Directions & Parking
Addition Financial Arena Address:
12777 Gemini Blvd North
Orlando, FL 32816
(407) 823-3070
Interactive Parking Map
Click on each individual parking icon below for exact directions to the parking garage from your starting location. Click the arena logo below for exact directions to Addition Financial Arena from your starting location.
Event parking is available in Garage F, Garage D, Garage H, and lots D1 and D2.
Advanced event parking is available for purchase either bundled with your event tickets, or can be purchased separately on or at the Venue Box Office. Pending availability, parking is available for purchase at lots via credit card only and carries additional fees. Please visit the individual event page for more specific parking information.
Parking is free to UCF students and staff with a valid UCF ID during University events.

Garage F
4403 Knights Victory WayOrlando, Florida 32816

Garage H
12638 Gemini Boulevard NorthOrlando, Florida 32816

Garage D
12898 Gemini Boulevard NorthOrlando, Florida 32816

Lot D1
Orlando, Florida 32816

Lot D2
Orlando, Florida 32816
ADA Parking
Those with state disability parking permits may park on the first-floor level of Garages H & D and the D surface level lot. Please note that if you do need accessible parking, you still must pay for an event parking pass either in advance via Ticketmaster or upon entry on site.
Pick Up / Drop Off
Drop off locations for patrons are located at the corners of East Plaza Drive and Gemini Blvd and West Plaza Drive and Gemini Blvd.
From HWY 50 and Toll Road 408
Patrons coming from HWY 50 and Toll Road 408 should enter campus from Central Florida Blvd (Right turn from Alafaya Trail SR 434) and take a right turn on Gemini Blvd.
From Toll Road 417
Patrons traveling from Toll Road 417 should travel east bound on University Blvd and take a right on Gemini Blvd upon entering campus.
From Oviedo
Patrons coming from Oviedo and traveling southbound on Alafaya Trail should take a left onto McCulloch Road and an eventual right onto North Orion Blvd.